Computer Training Programme

Computer literacy has become the need of the day and therefore, NAB consider that Visually Impaired should not lag behind in this respect and should be afforded all the opportunities to learn his technology. Proficiency in Information Technology has also become a market requirement and employers look for trained individuals in this field. Keeping the project abreast with the changing need, Computer Training Programme for the visually impaired in was stated in 2006. The programme is open to those persons who have qualified Senior School Certificate. At a time 15-20 candidates are granted admission. The duration is six months, in which training is imparted on basic knowledge, M.S. Word, M.S. Excel, Power Point and Internet. The training is imparted with the help of screen reading software called JAWS. At the end of programme, a test is carried out to judge the proficiency of the candidates and certificates issued accordingly. Besides free training, the trainees are also provide free boarding and lodging. Boys and girls are housed in separate hostels. Last year 31 students are trained & total number of beneficiary 330 till date.